American Legion Post 283

David Johnston Memorial Post
Pickerington Ohio
Post Namesake
CPL. David Johnston served with MIKE CO 3rd Battalion 5th Marines during his tour in Vietnam. CPL. Johnston was K.I.A. on the 3rd of March 1969 during OPERATION TAYLOR COMMON. As a result of his actions during the operation. CPL. Johnston was awarded the Bronze Star (posthumously).
Post 283 History
In early 1981, nearly 30 veterans of the Pickerington area met in the Pickerington High School to form an American Legion Post (it has been reported that an American Legion Post had previously existed in Pickerington in 1919 name and number is unknown). The membership was made to honor the memory of Pickerington High School's only casualty of the Vietnam War. The David A. Johnston Memorial Post stands as a lasting tribute to Corporal David A. Johnston, Mike Company/3rd Battalion/5th Regiment/1st Marine Division killed in action during Operation Taylor Common, 3 March 1969 in Quang Nam Province, South Vietnam.
Post Home
On the 13th of May, 1985, members approved and signed a contract to purchase 2.179 acres located at the corner of Pickerington and Refugee Roads. In late 1985, Commander Jerry Burroughs and 86 members broke ground for the present Post home. Legionnaires from Post 283, Lithopolis, Millersport, Lancaster, Bremen, and Wellston assisted in the construction. Through the years, the Post has continued to expand to better serve the veterans and citizens of Pickerington and surrounding communities by adding a rental hall, expanded lounge, state-of-the-art sound and video systems, and the recently dedicated (Memorial Day 2007) Veterans Memorial Park and the CPL. Dustin Derga Memorial Shelter House.
American Legion Post 283
Contact Information:
7725 Refugee Rd
Pickerington, Fairfield County 43147
Post Phone: (614) 833-3711
Post Contact: Djohnstonpost283@gmail.com
Webmaster: DJ283Legion@alpost283.org
IMPORTANT - For Rental Information submit in Rental Page